Week 14: Wrapping Things Up...or So I Thought

    As the semester starts to end like anyone else, I'm looking forward to the summer. I know that it'll be nice to have a break from academics and to work for some money to use the following school year. 

    Everything has mostly been fine since I got back last Friday. As mentioned I was able to make it to the Greek Olympics. But then my nurse and doctor called me the following Thursday saying some of my typical bloodwork results were not looking so good. So alas I packed up and left Ada again. Thankfully this time I didn't have to be admitted through the emergency department and was able to have my doctors directly admit me which relieved some stress. 

    Pretty much as soon as I got to the floor they started taking a lot of my blood to run various tests. I also have been attached to fluids to make sure I'm hydrated but walking around with an IV pole is harder than you would think. I have also been taking many additional medications to rule out some issues. 

    I had a routine procedure the following morning and rested all day. I wish I could say otherwise everything is great but it sucks to miss out on life. In the time I've already been gone, I missed formals, seeing 9 to 5 with my friends, and I'll be missing our alumni brunch to celebrate 30 years of Theta. I know I really can't control what's happening health-wise but it doesn't mean it's not hard. Along with missing all the fun extracurricular stuff I have, of course, missed a decent amount of school work which also isn't great. 

    I have been trying to keep myself busy and distracted while I am here by watching movies, talking with my parents and grandparents, and doing as much schoolwork as I can handle.

    Hopefully, I can finish my semester as normally as possible and make it back for Theta's senior banquet to honor and celebrate my best friend and g-big Gwen along with all of our other seniors/those going alum status.

    Additionally, some Somethings made me smile lately and hopefully will brighten up this week's post.

1. Taylor Swift's new album The Tourtered Poets Department

    - There is nothing like new music from your favorite artist.

Tortured Poets Department' Album: Review

2. Getting to see my family visit me (and bring me good food)

    -  Even though it's not for the best reason it was good to see my grandparents and parents along with them bringing me pretty much anything I wanted to eat (thankfully my doctors are pretty chill about not sticking to just hospital food)

3. Getting to see my sister Ruby's Prom Pictures 

    - Even if it was through Facetime it was so crazy to see and I can't believe that was me two years ago.

4. A pretty decent view from my hospital window 

   - It gave me a good view of some pretty sunsets. 

5.  Summer is ALMOST here

 - Self-explanatory


  1. This timing just seems horrible! I am so sorry that this is all going on during the most chaotic point in the school year! I hope everything is OK and that you are on the up and up!

  2. Oh no I hope things get better for you sooner rather than later! Your mindset is definitely so positive even in an unfortunate situation. Keep up the mindset and soon enough it will be summer and time to relax and enjoy the sun!!

  3. I am so sorry you are going through this right now, but fingers crossed you have a good and fast recovery!! Stay positive and before you know it, it will be summer and you at least won't have the additional stress of school and can enjoy a relaxing break. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. I am so sorry you are going through this Althea. You are so strong! I know it sucks to miss out on so much, but just remember the most important thing is to stay healthy so that you can go to more events in the future. And if this is any consolation, we might get a video of 9 to 5 so if we do I will send that your way so you don't feel like you completely missed out ;)

  5. I'll say a prayer for you Althea. I hope you are doing better now! I have a lot of respect for you for pushing through this. Keep a positive mindset and attitude, you got this.


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