Chapter #1: The Digital Age


Chapter #1:

     Technology. We have all evolved into the digital space especially now. You pretty much can't live without it. We all have now been accustomed to technology for several years. This chapter dives into topics like going viral, the advantages and disadvantages of social media, and all the basics.

    I really enjoyed starting out the class with this chapter. Even though it all made sense for most it was good to get into the basics and really discuss in class. Comparing screen times in class was very interesting to gauge where everybody is at with their screen usage times. It was also fun to discuss how sometimes many random things go viral. Even though many companies work to come up with campaigns to go viral like the Doritos or the still ongoing Aerie Real project.  You never know what could go viral next.

    This chapter also makes me want to learn more and more about the subject of social media and all about this class. I can't wait to dive further into the world of social media.


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