
Showing posts from January, 2024

Chapter #12: Blogging, Vlogging, Podcasts, and Webinars Oh My

Chapter #12:     I am sure everyone these days has heard of these forms of media. They may actively use these platforms for news, entertainment, and enjoyment. These have the ability to be very specific about a topic or have more of a general theme.       I know that I use 3 out of the 4 media forms discussed in this chapter in my everyday life. I first started watching vlogs before I can even remember. I was just a young girl maybe 9 or 10 and I was infatuated with Vloggers on YouTube. These Youtubers would film themselves going to Target, Toys R Us, Marshalls, and pretty much anywhere you could find Toys and simply show what was on the shelves. Barbies. Monster High Dolls. Littlest Pet Shop.  Anything I found interesting I could find a vlogger that had the content I wanted. As I grew up I was always watching vlogs which evolved to different content and interests I had. I then started to listen to podcasts late middle school into high school when I started having longer days at the ho

Week 2: Thinking Theta

     Once again it is another dreary week here at Ohio Northern but that's not stopping me from having a great week. If there is one thing about me I love being busy and this week is definitely that. I have several things to do this week. Starting out the week on Sunday with several hours of various assignments for the development of Kappa Alpha Theta. I really LOVE having a position in my sorority. It really has not only gotten me more involved but also helped me to better the chapter. I currently hold the position of the VP of DEI. It turns out that I like it more than I originally thought I would when I was applying to hold an executive position.     Having this position means so much to me as I worked very hard my first year to be able to have the opportunity to hold a position. Over the summer as a new freshman out of my first year of college, I also had the opportunity to attend the Kappa Alpha Theta's National Emerging Leaders Conference. I originally only applied for th

Chapter #1: The Digital Age

                                                                            Chapter #1:       Technology. We have all evolved into the digital space especially now. You pretty much can't live without it. We all have now been accustomed to technology for several years. This chapter dives into topics like going viral, the advantages and disadvantages of social media, and all the basics.      I really enjoyed starting out the class with this chapter. Even though it all made sense for most it was good to get into the basics and really discuss in class. Comparing screen times in class was very interesting to gauge where everybody is at with their screen usage times. It was also fun to discuss how sometimes many random things go viral. Even though many companies work to come up with campaigns to go viral like the Doritos or the still ongoing Aerie Real project.  You never know what could go viral next.      This chapter also makes me want to learn more and more about the subject of socia

Welcome and Intro Post

     Hello all! Welcome to my blog All in with Althea. I'm Althea Pleasants and this blog will be a little sneak peek into my life including anything I feel like sharing. Today I thought I would just share a bit about myself. As previously mentioned I'm Althea and I am a sophomore at Ohio Northern University. At Ohio Northern, I am currently Studying Communications, Marketing, and Social Media. In my free time, I love to hang out with my friends and family, shop, watch reality TV, and watch live theater.       As I grew up I never knew what I wanted to do in my future until I discovered Ohio Northern. I knew that I wanted to do something creative like some journalism classes I took in High School while also joining the yearbook team. I then figured I wanted to work in a similar field with less writing since it's not my strongest skill. Which all lead me to the field of Communications. Which yet again let me discover the minors of Social Media and Marketing that I have now p